Paula Casas, Owner/Founder of "THE SOURCE MUSIC GROUP" The specialized nature of the company's business scope requires a leading management individual with extensive experience, background and contacts in the entertainment and music production fields. This is what is found in Paula Casas. Our visionary, entrepreneur and accomplished entertainer-executive is given her extensive performance career, one might think all of Paula’s qualifications for this present business venture would come from that quadrant. However, Paula has always believed that music, in addition to being the language of the soul, is and should be managed as a business. Hence, over the years of her career she has compiled a long list of music business accomplishments, some of which are--production of singles and/or albums for individual artists in various venues; negotiating recording contracts with mid- to major-level music companies for individual artists; producing as well as performing in the television pilot, "XXXXXXXXX," of which she still retains ownership. NEW: "THE SOURCE MUSIC GROUP" PCasas777@Yahoo.Com