Hi! I am over 200 years old and salaried by my pension to follow my passion. I'm Scottish, have worn the kilt on special occasions - great fun, the occasions and the kilt. My two daughters and son are Scousers. Liverpool is a fantastic city of music (The Beatles); sport (Liverpool and Everton Football Clubs - 'Come on you re-eds!'); and history (The Slave Trade - sad human behaviour - and transatlantic crossings to America). Been in Liverpool for over 50 years, not lost my Scottish Accent.) Spent a lifetime in a variety of ways encouraging five to eleven year old children's learning. Now! What do I do? I promote life-based learning for schools and parents to take up and run with. It is an entirely new and unique way of learning where life learning is the drive, not a bunch of disembodied subjects to be mastered. And, do you know what? I'm convinced children and young people will be the better learners by providing them with the knowledge, skills and practices to live their lives better, interact better with other people and contribute to living sustainably. Of course, children learn subjects, but subjects are not the driver, learning life is. I'm a one man band tilting at windmills like Don Quixote, But one day I'll skewer that windmill good! Even if it takes until I'm 300 years old. Okay! I've got down from my soap box. I'm no megaphone politician. And don't tell me my passion is not a 'biography'. Yes it is. Promoting life based learning is what makes me me.